Search Results for: gun control

JURIST Guest Columnist David Crane, former Chief Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, now at Syracuse University College of Law, says it's time for Nigeria to hand over former Liberian president Charles Taylor for trial on war crimes...


The Council of Europe said Wednesday that an investigation into allegations that the US Central Intelligence Agency operated secret prisons in Europe revealed no "smoking gun" evidence that proved the existence of the prisons. COE...


JURIST Guest Columnist David Kairys of Temple University School of Law says that senators weighing the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the US Supreme Court should be wary of endorsing his commitment to legal technicalities over core constitutional values......


President Bush has commended the passing of legislation shielding the firearms industry from civil lawsuits brought by cities, municipalities and victims of gun crimes and says he looks forward to signing the bill into law. The Protection...